
Selected for ‘2022 Best 50 Research Projects Awards’ by the Korean Ministry of Education,

Receiving the Minister of Education Award

Professor Jang Joon-ik of the Department of Physics was selected for the '2022 Best 50 Research Projects Awards' by the Korean Ministry of Education and received the Minister of Education Award.

The Ministry of Education is operating support projects for academic research to lead the production of creative knowledge and balanced academic development. Last year, the ministry financed 34 projects with a budget of KRW 854.6 billion to offer support across various fields of research, such as humanities, social science, science, engineering, Korean studies, etc. Additionally, through contests and recommendations, it accepted 154 studies among about 12,000 projects created, selecting 50 excellent projects after comprehensive assessment. These excellent projects include 26 studies in humanities and social science, 20 studies in science and engineering, and four in Korean studies. The assessment was composed of three stages: the 1st stage for section evaluation in each academic area, the 2nd stage for sector evaluation, and the 3rd stage for evaluation of a comprehensive qualification-screening committee.

Professor Jang Joon-ik conducted research on the 'Development of Halide Perovskites and a Next-Generation Linear/Non-Linear Optical Substance and Analysis of Their Features' with the support of the research project of the Ministry of Education, and this led to many excellent performances, with eventual recognition and selection for the final round of 50 projects. In particular, the research results on halide perovskites, the light-emitting semiconductor recently gaining international attention, were published in top-tier journals in the field, including Advanced Materials (IF: 32.086) and Journal of the American Chemical Society (IF: 16.383).

This study ultimately aims to apply the researched substance as a new type of optical element that overcomes the existing natural limits, said Professor Jang Joon-ik, who has conducted differentiated research on developing new substances with excellent optical features. I hope this study helps to enhance the development of lasers, quantum optics and information, optical sensors, and bioimaging.
