

Department of Electronic Engineering Presents a Leading Model for

Contactless Experiments and Practical Innovation

- Introducing the ‘one for one’ personal experiment kit and practice program, creating the same environment for experiments at home as at school -



Beginning in 2021, the Department of Electronic Engineering at Sogang University will introduce a self-directed program for experiments and practical innovation, available to all grade levels. While receiving contactless classes, students will be able to run experiments and practice techniques at home, just as they would at school.


As the need for contactless classes has been prolonged due to COVID-19, the Department of Electronic Engineering has developed a ‘one for one’ personal kit program to enable students’ abilities to conduct experiments and practice with activities normally conducted at school, regardless of their location. Students can run experiments with measuring instruments and circuits, such as digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, and function generators, by connecting to a computer at home, and they can perform various experiments, such as creating an equalizer that controls signal frequencies, by connecting their speakers and mobile phones.


In addition, using the relevant textbooks to go with their experiments, students can learn about reverse-progression experiments and practice. To this end, a video documenting an experiment created from a student’s point of view is provided to other students, prompting them to participate online in real time and to complete ‘Learning by Doing’ through Q&A sessions and presentations.

Expenses related to contactless experiments and practices in the Department of Electronic Engineering are supported by the alumni of the same department. The Department of Electronic Engineering provides portable measuring devices (myDAQ) produced by National Instruments Korea to all sophomore and junior students participating in the experiments. In addition, various innovative educational programs are being developed to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution by utilizing development funds from the alumni association.

Meanwhile, in the Department of Electronic Engineering, two innovative talent-training projects were selected for Stage Four of the BK21 FOUR project in November 2020, further demonstrating the department’s research capabilities with this selection following the third stage of the BK21 project.


“I think it is meaningful that efficient contactless experiment practice has been made possible through innovative programs,” said Dean Yun Kwang-seok of the Department of Electronic Engineering, adding, “We will do our best to cultivate innovative talents who will lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution through the development fund from our senior alumni in the Department of Electronics and through various projects, including the BK21 FOUR project group.”


▲ Attending a class using the contactless experiment and practice program



